Thursday, September 9, 2010

Health Care Reform Bill

I think the Health Care Bill is good. The Health Care Bill in a way it is a wonderful thing. The Doctors offices and Hospitals can no longer refuse patients. That's good for younger children who can't help themselves. Some Parents won't take their child to the doctor because they can't afford it, now there is no worry. Same as in the Hospitals some won't treat children, because their parents don't have any insurance so they will deny the patients. It's really not the child's at fault because of their parent's mistakes or problems they have not taking care of. Some people are against the Health Care Reform Bill because of the jobs they might lose or the money they might lose. As far as the insurance companies they don’t want to lose any clients but yet they want to gain money and give very little. Some cases aren’t giving any money as far as Health Care Bill goes they are just using the insurance money, and not giving any back. I think people need to look outside of the box and realize everyone struggles one point in their life and everyone needs a little help every now and then. With different problems in their life some may not admit to it but everyone does. Example, some parent's won't take their kids to the doctor or to the hospital because of the insurance or the cost of something, even after a major accident. They will try to fix it their best at home, or when a child gets ill they will not take them to the doctor even though it could be major sickness. That’s how i feel about the Health Care Bill. How Do You Feel About The Health Care Bill??                                        


  1. There is definitely a major health-care crisis in this country. People have to pay too much money for too little health care - and even then there isn't really a consistent remedy to solve that problem as of yet. The question before us, however, is whether or not the government should basically leave the system as it is and borrow a bunch of money from China to pay for everyone's health care? That is what it essentially boils down to. The government is not in the business of auto insurance - nor will it ever be. There are at least 4 reasons why the government will always stay away from this issue. Auto insurance is already cheap. People can shop and compare and switch relatively easily. There is competition within the sellers. People only use it when they actually need it. If the government would get out of the way and allow health insurance companies to compete amongst themselves, as well as allow people to choose which things they are covered for, the costs would naturally go down and we wouldn't have a need for a national health care discussion.

  2. And to add, eventhough Mr. B has made a desputable point, there's one point that is indisputable. Cost for current users. Healthcare reform requires that everyone must be covered. This means everyone from a completely healthy 18 year old to a 55 year old man who smoked 30+ of those years, has had a lung transplant and is using multiple medications that are high end and expensive. The cost of this one man (If he MUST be covered) would have to be split amoungst all the other patients in the insurance pool. In turn this drives us the cost of everyones care, even for that 18 year old who's never even filed a claim.
